Saturday, October 27, 2007

What is a typical Near Death Experience?

According to NDE expert Kevin Wiliams:

A typical NDE begins when a person experiences the sensation of leaving his physical body. This occurs mostly in situations of severe physical trauma such as a car accident, or in a severe medical emergency.

The person sees his body trying to be resuscitated or hears someone declare him dead.

He may perceive the thoughts and experience the feelings of the living people around his physical body.

He is sucked into a vortex or tunnel that appears to connect the physical realm to another realm.

He encounters a being made out of extraordinary light and emanating tremendous love.

This being is completely non-judgemental although knowing everything about the experiencer.

There may be a reunion with loved ones and friends who have already died.

The experiencer may have his entire life instantaneously replayed - every thought, feeling, and act. This is known as a Life Review.

Then, he finds himself before some kind of barrier that is a point of no return.

He may then be told his mission on earth is incomplete or his time to die has not yet come or some variation of this.

Eventually, he will find himself back in his body.

After having a NDE, the person may discover that he/she is not the same anymore. There are some reported common after-effects that many people have after having a NDE.

These include feelings of heightened spirituality, though not necessarily religion-based, and a more highly developed sense of selflessness, including love, and respect for all living beings.

Here are some of the most gripping NDE accounts I've read:

Jayne Smith's NDE

Mellen-Thomas Benedict's NDE

Josianne Antoinette's NDE

Diane Morrisey's NDE

Here's some Scientific proof for survival if you wanna check it out.

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